Handel Edition

~ Uitgave van George Frideric Handel (Bekijk alle versies van deze uitgave, 1 beschikbaar)


cd 1: Water Music
cd 2: Music for the Royal Fireworks; Sinfonias
cd 3: Concerti grossi Op. 3
cd 4: Concerti grossi Op. 6 Nos. 1-4
cd 5: Concerti grossi Op. 6 Nos. 5-8
cd 6: Concerti grossi Op. 6 Nos. 9-12
cd 7: Concerti a due cori
cd 8: Organ Concertos I
cd 9: Organ Concertos II; Harp Concerto
cd 10: Organ Concertos III
cd 11: Organ Concertos IV
cd 12: Organ Concertos V
cd 13: Oboe Concertos; Suite in G minor (ed.); Overture to Otho
cd 14: Flute Sonatas
cd 15: Violin and Oboe Sonatas
cd 16: Trio Sonatas I - Op. 2
cd 17: Trio Sonatas II - Op. 5
cd 18: Trio Sonatas III
cd 19: Recorder Sonatas
cd 20: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin I
cd 21: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin II
cd 22: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin III
cd 23: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin IV
cd 24: Harpsichord Music I
cd 25: Harpsichord Music II
cd 26: Harpsichord Music III
cd 27: Harpsichord Music IV
cd 28: Romantic Organ Transcriptions
cd 29: Nine German Arias
cd 30: Cantatas for soprano solo I
cd 31: Cantatas for soprano solo II
cd 32: Cantatas for soprano solo III; Cantata "Arresta il passo" for two sopranos
cd 33: Cantatas for soprano solo IV
cd 34: Cantatas for soprano solo V
cd 35: Italian Duets
cd 36: The Alchemist; Apollo e Dafne
cd 37: Aci, Galatea e Polifemo (beginning)
cd 38: Aci, Galatea e Polifemo (conclusion)
cd 39: Alexander's Feast (beginning)
cd 40: Alexander's Feast (conclusion); Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne
cd 41: Coronation Anthems
cd 42: Dettingen Te Deum
cd 43: Friedensode; Utrechter Te Deum
cd 44: Ode for St. Cecilia's Day
cd 45: Messiah (beginning)
cd 46: Messiah (conclusion)
cd 47: La Resurrezione (beginning)
cd 48: La Resurrezione (conclusion)
cd 49: Jephtha (beginning)
cd 50: Jephtha (continuation)
cd 51: Jephtha (conclusion)
cd 52: Israel in Egypt (beginning)
cd 53: Israel in Egypt (conclusion)
cd 54: Judas Maccabaeus (beginning)
cd 55: Judas Maccabaeus (conclusion)
cd 56: Samson (beginning)
cd 57: Samson (conclusion)
1Samson, HWV 57: 22. Act 2 "To fleeting pleasures make your court" [Dalila]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 2: Air. To Fleeting Pleasures Make Your Court (Delilah)
Newburgh Hamilton
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
2Samson, HWV 57: 23. Act 2 "Ne'er think of that! I know thy warbling charms" [Samson]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 2: Recitative, Duet and Recitative. Ne’er Think of That! (Samson/Delilah). Traitor to Love! (Delilah/Samson). She’s Gone! (Micah/Samson)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
3Samson, HWV 57: 24. Act 2 "Favour'd of heaven is he, who finds one true" [Samson]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 2: Recitative and Chorus. Favoured of Heaven Is He (Samson). To Man God’s Universal Law
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
4Samson, HWV 57: 25. Act 2 "No words of peace, no voice enchanting fear" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 2: Recitative. No Words of Peace (Micah/Harapha/Samson)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
5Samson, HWV 57: 26. Act 2 "Honour and arms scorn such a foe" [Harapha]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 2: Air. Honour and Arms Scorn Such a Foe (Harapha)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
6Samson, HWV 57: 27. Act 2 "Cam'st thou for this, vain boaster?" [Samson, Harapha]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 2: Recitative and Duet. Cam’st Thou for This, Vain Boaster? (Samson/Harapha). Go, Baffled Coward, Go (Samson/Harapha)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
7Samson, HWV 57: 28. Act 2 "Here lies the proof" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 2: Recitative and Chorus. Here Lies the Proof (Micah). Hear, Jacob’s God, Jehovah
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
8Samson, HWV 57: 29. Act 2 "Dagon, arise! attend thy sacred feast!" [Harapha]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II, no. 66. "To song and dance we give the day"
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
9Samson, HWV 57: 30. Act 2 "Fix'd in his everlasting seat" [Chorus]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II, no. 67. "Fix'd in His everlasting seat"
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act II
10Samson, HWV 57: 31. Act 3 "More trouble is behind" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Recitative and Air. More Trouble Is Behind (Micah/Harapha/Samson). Presuming Slave, to Move Their Wrath (Harapha)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
11Samson, HWV 57: 32. Act 3 "Reflect then, Samson, matters now are strain'd" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Recitative and Chorus. Reflect Then (Micah/Harapha/Samson). With Thunder Arm’d, Great God, Arise!
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
12Samson, HWV 57: 33. Act 3 "Be of good courage" [Samson, Micah, Harapha]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III, no. 77. "Be of Good Courage"
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
Newburgh Hamilton
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
13Samson, HWV 57: 34. Act 3 "With might endued, above the sons of men" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Recitative, Air and Chorus. With Might Endowed Above the Sons of Men (Micah). The Holy One of Israel Be Thy Guide (Micah). To Fame Immortal Go
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
14Samson, HWV 57: 35. Act 3 "Old Manoah, with youthful steps, makes haste to find his son" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Recitative, Air and Chorus. Old Manoa, with Youthful Steps, Makes Haste (Mica/Manoah). Great Dagon Has Subdued Our Foe (Philistine Woman)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
15Samson, HWV 57: 36. Act 3 "What noise of joy was that?" [Manoah, Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Recitative and Air. What Noise of Joy Was That? (Manoah/Micah). How Willing My Paternal Love (Manoah)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
16Samson, HWV 57: 37. Act 3 "Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Recitative, Symphony, Recitative and Chorus. Your Hopes of His Deliv’ry Seem Not Vain (Micah/Manoah) Hear Us, Our God!
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
17Samson, HWV 57: 38. Act 3 "Noise call you this? an universal groan" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Recitative. Noise Call You This? Micah/Manoah/Messenger
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
18Samson, HWV 57: 39. Act 3 "Ye sons of Israel, now lament" [Micah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Air and Chorus. Ye Sons of Israel, Now Lament (Micah). Weep, Israel
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
19Samson, HWV 57: 40. Act 3 Dead March2:15
20Samson, HWV 57: 41. Act 3 "The body comes" [Micah, Manoah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57, Pt. 3: Recitative and Chorus. The Body Comes (Micah). Glorious Hero, May Thy Grave Peace (Manoah). The Virgins Too (Israelite Woman). Bring the Laurels
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
21Samson, HWV 57: 42. Act 3 "Come, come! no time for lamentation" [Manoah]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III, no. 107. “Let the Bright Seraphim” (Israelite Woman)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
Newburgh Hamilton
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
22Samson, HWV 57: 43. Act 3 "Let their celestial concerts all unite" [Chorus]
klavecimbel en orgel:
Dr. Alexander Schreiner
baritonvocalen [Manoah]:
Roy Samuelsen (bass-baritone)
basvocalen [Harapha]:
Malcolm Smith (bass)
contraltovocalen [Micah]:
Louise Parker (operatic contralto)
University of Utah Symphonic Chorus
sopraanvocalen [Deliliah / Philistine Woman / Israelite Woman]:
Phyllis Curtin (soprano)
tenorvocalen [A Messenger]:
Kenny Whitelock (tenor)
tenorvocalen [Samson]:
Jan Peerce (operatic tenor)
Utah Symphony
was dirigent:
Maurice Abravanel (conductor)
was koorleider:
Dr. Newell B. Weight
recording of:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III, no. 108. “Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite”
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
deel van:
Samson, HWV 57: Act III
cd 58: Theodora (beginning)
cd 59: Theodora (conclusion)
cd 60: Saul (beginning)
cd 61: Saul (conclusion)
cd 62: Solomon (beginning)
cd 63: Solomon (conclusion)
cd 64: Semele (beginning)
cd 65: Semele (conclusion)