La Grange

~ Recording by Red Hot Chilli Pipers

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1La Grange4:04Red Hot Chilli PipersOctaneRed Hot Chilli PipersAlbum
  • GB2016-06-24


recording of:La Grange (cover, instrumental, medley)
The Green Room (medley)

La Grange

writer:Frank Beard (ZZ Top drummer)
Billy Gibbons
Dusty Hill
publisher:Hamstein Music Company (publisher)
Music of Stage Three
Songs of Mosaic
Stage Three Songs
later translated versions:Do steht a Haus
is based on:Boogie Chillen’

The Green Room

composer:Dougie McCance