
A series is a sequence of separate release groups, releases, recordings, works, artists or events with a common theme. The theme is usually prominent in the branding of the entities in the series and the individual entities will often have been given a number indicating the position in the series.


Series properties


The series name is the official name of the series.


The type primarily describes what type of entity the series contains. The possible values are:

Release group series
A series of release groups.
Release group award
A series of release groups honoured by the same award.
A series of release groups containing episodes of the same podcast series.
Release series
A series of releases.
Recording series
A series of recordings.
Recording award
A series of recordings honoured by the same award.
Work series
A series of works.
A series of works which form a catalogue of classical compositions.
Work award
A series of works honoured by the same award.
Artist series
A series of artists.
Artist award
A series of artists honored by the same award.
Event series
A series of events.
A series of related concerts by an artist in different locations.
A recurring festival, usually happening annually in the same location.
A series of performances of the same show at the same venue.
A series of related concerts by an artist in the same location.
Award ceremony
A series of award ceremonies, usually one per year.

Ordering type

The ordering type determines whether the series is ordered automatically or manually.


Aliases are alternate names for a series, which currently have two main functions: localised names and search hints. Localised names are used to store the official names used in different languages and countries. These use the locale field to identify which language or country the name is for. Search hints are used to help both users and the server when searching and can be a number of things including alternate names, nicknames or even misspellings.


See the page about MBIDs for more information.

Disambiguation comment

See the page about disambiguation comments for more information.


See the page about annotations for more information.