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discography entry for:Dark Shadows: The Lucifer Gambit by Eric Wallace (writer, voice actor), Simon Lee Phillips (voice actor), Stephanie Ellyne (voice actor), Christopher Ragland (voice actor), Sheila Steafel (voice actor), Jacob Sowersby (voice actor), Antonio Rastelli (writer, voice actor), Jonathon Marx (voice actor), Barra Collins (voice actor), Lisa Richards (actress) & Nancy Barrett (voice actor)
Dark Shadows: The Lucifer Gambit by Eric Wallace (writer, voice actor), Simon Lee Phillips (voice actor), Stephanie Ellyne (voice actor), Christopher Ragland (voice actor), Sheila Steafel (voice actor), Jacob Sowersby (voice actor), Antonio Rastelli (writer, voice actor), Jonathon Marx (voice actor), Barra Collins (voice actor), Lisa Richards (actress) & Nancy Barrett (voice actor)
standalone website for:Dark Shadows: The Lucifer Gambit by Eric Wallace (writer, voice actor), Simon Lee Phillips (voice actor), Stephanie Ellyne (voice actor), Christopher Ragland (voice actor), Sheila Steafel (voice actor), Jacob Sowersby (voice actor), Antonio Rastelli (writer, voice actor), Jonathon Marx (voice actor), Barra Collins (voice actor), Lisa Richards (actress), Nancy Barrett (voice actor)