Live at Wacken 2017: 28 Years Louder Than Hell

~ Release by Various Artists (see all versions of this release, 2 available)


℗ & © «2018 Silver Lining Music Ltd.»

Countries where available (Spotify + Deezer + iTunes)

(This is all of them, as of 2020-09-28).

  • Northern America: 🇨🇦 Canada (ca) 🇲🇽 Mexico (mx) 🇺🇸 United States (us) 🇧🇲 Bermuda (bm)
  • Central America: 🇨🇷 Costa Rica (cr) 🇬🇹 Guatemala (gt) 🇭🇳 Honduras (hn) 🇳🇮 Nicaragua (ni) 🇵🇦 Panama (pa) 🇸🇻 El Salvador (sv) 🇧🇿 Belize (bz)
  • Caribbean: 🇩🇴 Dominican Republic (do) 🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda (ag) 🇦🇮 Anguilla (ai) 🇧🇧 Barbados (bb) 🇧🇶 Bonaire (bq) 🇨🇼 Curaçao (cw) 🇩🇲 Dominica (dm) 🇬🇩 Grenada (gd) 🇯🇲 Jamaica (jm) 🇰🇳 Saint Kitts and Nevis (kn) 🇰🇾 Cayman Islands (ky) 🇱🇨 Saint Lucia (lc) 🇲🇸 Montserrat (ms) 🇸🇽 Sint Maarten (sx) 🇹🇨 Turks and Caicos Islands (tc) 🇻🇨 Saint Vincent and Grenadines (vc) 🇻🇬 Virgin Islands, British (vg) 🇧🇸 Bahamas (bs) 🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago (tt)
  • South America: 🇦🇷 Argentina (ar) 🇧🇴 Bolivia (bo) 🇧🇷 Brazil (br) 🇨🇱 Chile (cl) 🇨🇴 Colombia (co) 🇪🇨 Ecuador (ec) 🇵🇪 Peru (pe) 🇵🇾 Paraguay (py) 🇺🇾 Uruguay (uy) 🇫🇰 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (fk) 🇬🇸 South Georgia and Sandwich Isl. (gs) 🇻🇪 Venezuela (ve) 🇬🇾 Guyana (gy) 🇸🇷 Suriname (sr)
  • Western Europe: 🇦🇹 Austria (at) 🇧🇪 Belgium (be) 🇨🇭 Switzerland (ch) 🇩🇪 Germany (de) 🇫🇷 France (fr) 🇱🇮 Liechtenstein (li) 🇱🇺 Luxembourg (lu) 🇲🇨 Monaco (mc) 🇳🇱 Netherlands (nl)
  • Northern Europe: 🇩🇰 Denmark (dk) 🇪🇪 Estonia (ee) 🇫🇮 Finland (fi) 🇬🇧 United Kingdom (gb) 🇮🇪 Ireland (ie) 🇮🇸 Iceland (is) 🇱🇹 Lithuania (lt) 🇱🇻 Latvia (lv) 🇳🇴 Norway (no) 🇸🇪 Sweden (se) 🇸🇯 Svalbard and Jan Mayen (sj)
  • Southern Europe: 🇦🇩 Andorra (ad) 🇦🇱 Albania (al) 🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina (ba) 🇨🇾 Cyprus (cy) 🇪🇸 Spain (es) 🇬🇷 Greece (gr) 🇭🇷 Croatia (hr) 🇮🇹 Italy (it) 🇲🇪 Montenegro (me) 🇲🇰 Macedonia (mk) 🇲🇹 Malta (mt) 🇵🇹 Portugal (pt) 🇷🇸 Serbia (rs) 🇸🇮 Slovenia (si)
  • Eastern Europe: 🇧🇬 Bulgaria (bg) 🇧🇾 Belarus (by) 🇨🇿 Czech Republic (cz) 🇭🇺 Hungary (hu) 🇲🇩 Moldova (md) 🇵🇱 Poland (pl) 🇷🇴 Romania (ro) 🇷🇺 Russian Federation (ru) 🇸🇰 Slovakia (sk) 🇺🇦 Ukraine (ua) 🇽🇰 Kosovo (xk)
  • Northern Africa: 🇩🇿 Algeria (dz) 🇪🇬 Egypt (eg) 🇲🇦 Morocco (ma) 🇹🇳 Tunisia (tn) 🇪🇭 Western Sahara (eh) 🇱🇾 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (ly) 🇸🇩 Sudan (sd)
  • Western Africa: 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso (bf) 🇧🇯 Benin (bj) 🇨🇮 Cote D’Ivoire (ci) 🇨🇻 Cape Verde (cv) 🇬🇭 Ghana (gh) 🇬🇲 Gambia (gm) 🇬🇳 Guinea (gn) 🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau (gw) 🇱🇷 Liberia (lr) 🇲🇱 Mali (ml) 🇲🇷 Mauritania (mr) 🇳🇪 Niger (ne) 🇳🇬 Nigeria (ng) 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone (sl) 🇸🇳 Senegal (sn) 🇹🇬 Togo (tg)
  • Eastern Africa: 🇧🇮 Burundi (bi) 🇩🇯 Djibouti (dj) 🇪🇷 Eritrea (er) 🇪🇹 Ethiopia (et) 🇮🇴 British Indian Ocean Territory (io) 🇰🇪 Kenya (ke) 🇰🇲 Comoros (km) 🇲🇬 Madagascar (mg) 🇲🇺 Mauritius (mu) 🇲🇼 Malawi (mw) 🇲🇿 Mozambique (mz) 🇷🇼 Rwanda (rw) 🇸🇨 Seychelles (sc) 🇸🇴 Somalia (so) 🇹🇿 Tanzania (tz) 🇺🇬 Uganda (ug) 🇿🇲 Zambia (zm) 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe (zw)
  • Middle Africa: 🇦🇴 Angola (ao) 🇨🇩 Congo, Democratic Republic (cd) 🇨🇫 Central African Republic (cf) 🇨🇬 Congo (cg) 🇨🇲 Cameroon (cm) 🇬🇦 Gabon (ga) 🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea (gq) 🇸🇸 South Sudan (ss) 🇸🇹 Sao Tome and Principe (st) 🇹🇩 Chad (td)
  • Southern Africa: 🇿🇦 South Africa (za) 🇧🇼 Botswana (bw) 🇱🇸 Lesotho (ls) 🇳🇦 Namibia (na) 🇸🇿 Swaziland (sz)
  • Western Asia: 🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates (ae) 🇧🇭 Bahrain (bh) 🇮🇱 Israel (il) 🇯🇴 Jordan (jo) 🇰🇼 Kuwait (kw) 🇱🇧 Lebanon (lb) 🇴🇲 Oman (om) 🇵🇸 Palestinian Territory, Occupied (ps) 🇶🇦 Qatar (qa) 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia (sa) 🇹🇷 Turkey (tr) 🇦🇲 Armenia (am) 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan (az) 🇬🇪 Georgia (ge) 🇮🇶 Iraq (iq) 🇾🇪 Yemen (ye)
  • Central Asia: 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan (kz) 🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan (kg) 🇹🇯 Tajikistan (tj) 🇹🇲 Turkmenistan (tm) 🇺🇿 Uzbekistan (uz)
  • Southern Asia: 🇮🇳 India (in) 🇦🇫 Afghanistan (af) 🇧🇩 Bangladesh (bd) 🇧🇹 Bhutan (bt) 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka (lk) 🇲🇻 Maldives (mv) 🇳🇵 Nepal (np) 🇵🇰 Pakistan (pk)
  • Eastern Asia: 🇭🇰 Hong Kong (hk) 🇯🇵 Japan (jp) 🇹🇼 Taiwan (tw) 🇨🇳 China (cn) 🇰🇷 Korea (kr) 🇲🇳 Mongolia (mn) 🇲🇴 Macao (mo)
  • South-Eastern Asia: 🇮🇩 Indonesia (id) 🇲🇾 Malaysia (my) 🇵🇭 Philippines (ph) 🇸🇬 Singapore (sg) 🇹🇭 Thailand (th) 🇻🇳 Viet‐Nam (vn) 🇧🇳 Brunei Darussalam (bn) 🇰🇭 Cambodia (kh) 🇱🇦 Lao People’s Democratic Republic (la) 🇲🇲 Myanmar (mm) 🇹🇱 Timor-Leste (tl)
  • Oceania: 🇦🇺 Australia (au) 🇳🇿 New Zealand (nz) 🇨🇨 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (cc) 🇨🇽 Christmas Island (cx) 🇭🇲 Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands (hm) 🇳🇫 Norfolk Island (nf)
  • Polynesia: 🇨🇰 Cook Islands (ck) 🇳🇺 Niue (nu) 🇵🇳 Pitcairn (pn) 🇹🇰 Tokelau (tk) 🇹🇴 Tonga (to) 🇹🇻 Tuvalu (tv) 🇼🇸 Samoa (ws)
  • Melanesia: 🇫🇯 Fiji (fj) 🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea (pg) 🇸🇧 Solomon Islands (sb) 🇻🇺 Vanuatu (vu)
  • Micronesia: 🇫🇲 Micronesia, Federated States of (fm) 🇰🇮 Kiribati (ki) 🇲🇭 Marshall Islands (mh) 🇳🇷 Nauru (nr) 🇵🇼 Palau (pw)
  • Antarctica: 🇦🇶 Antarctica (aq) 🇧🇻 Bouvet Island (bv)
Annotation last modified on 2020-09-28 20:34 UTC.


Digital Media 1
1War of Kings
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 1: Faster (2017-08-03)
live recording of:
War of Kings (on 2017-08-03)
Dave Cobb (rock producer/songwriter), John Levén and Joey Tempest (Swedish singer)
Kobalt Music Services Ltd. (UK)
2DiseaseUK Subs1:29
bass guitar:
Peter Baltes
drums (drum set):
Christopher Williams (heavy metal drummer)
Wolf Hoffmann and Uwe Lulis
lead vocals:
Mark Tornillo (US heavy metal vocalist. Born 8 June 1954 in Brielle, New Jersey.)
additional performer:
Český národní symfonický orchestr (Czech National Symphony Orchestra)
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 1: Faster (2017-08-03)
live recording of:
Breaker (on 2017-08-03)
Peter Baltes, Udo Dirkschneider, Jörg Fischer (guitarist for Accept), Wolf Hoffmann and Stefan Kaufmann (German drummer for Accept and U.D.O.)
Oktave (German publisher)
4How the Years Condemn
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 1: Headbangers Stage (2017-08-03)
live recording of:
How the Years Condemn (on 2017-08-03)
lyricist and composer:
Shane Embury
Napalm Death2:33
5HunterJet Jaguar4:23
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 1: W:E:T Stage (2017-08-03)
live recording of:
Witchkrieg (on 2017-08-03)
7In the Name of Amun
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 1: Headbangers Stage (2017-08-03)
live recording of:
In the Name of Amun (on 2017-08-03)
Karl Sanders
George Kollias and Karl Sanders
Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Germany) GmbH (2002–today) (in 2015)
8Doomsday Machine
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: Louder (2017-08-04)
live recording of:
Doomsday Machine (on 2017-08-04)
Kadavar (German stoner rock band)
9The Wolves Die Young
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: Faster (2017-08-04)
live recording of:
The Wolves Die Young (on 2017-08-04)
lyricist and composer:
Tony Kakko
Sonata Arctica4:10
10Wo sind die Clowns?
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: Harder (2017-08-04)
live recording of:
Wo sind die Clowns (on 2017-08-04)
Saltatio Mortis3:06
11Your Soul Deserves to Die TwiceSteak Number Eight6:42
12Embers Fire
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: Louder (2017-08-04)
live recording of:
Embers Fire (on 2017-08-04)
Nick Holmes (British metal vocalist)
Gregor Mackintosh
Imagem Music Ltd and Universal Music Publishing (use ONLY if no country‐specific information is available)
Paradise Lost5:01
13Divide and ConquerProng3:18
14Nothing Else Matters
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: Harder (2017-08-04)
live cover recording of:
Nothing Else Matters (on 2017-08-04)
James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich
Creeping Death Music
15Death Squad
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: Headbangers Stage (2017-08-04)
live recording of:
Death Squad (on 2017-08-04)
lyricist and composer:
Phil Rind
Sacred Reich4:43
16Dark Are the Veils of Death
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: W:E:T Stage (2017-08-04)
live recording of:
Dark Are the Veils of Death (on 2017-08-04)
lyricist and composer:
Leif Edling
Bloody Skull Music and Jobete Music
17Ich bin ein wahrer Satan
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: Harder (2017-08-04)
live recording of:
Ich bin ein wahrer Satan (on 2017-08-04)
Alexander Frank Spreng (Singer of ASP)
Alexander Frank Spreng (Singer of ASP) and Matthias Ambré
18Hot for Nietzsche
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 2: Louder (2017-08-04)
19Roots Bloody Roots
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 3: Faster (2017-08-05)
live recording of:
Roots Bloody Roots (on 2017-08-05)
Max Cavalera
Max & Igor Cavalera4:13
20Spirits of the Night
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 3: Louder (2017-08-05)
21Evolution UmsonstKärbholz4:09
22Voice of the VoicelessHeaven Shall Burn4:43
23Wir sind Gott
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 3: Louder (2017-08-05)
24Born to Lose, Live to Win
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 3: Headbangers Stage (2017-08-05)
live recording of:
Born to Lose, Live to Win (on 2017-08-05)
Danny B. Harvey, Slim Jim Phantom and David Vincent (ex Morbid Angel)
25In Trance
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 3: W:E:T Stage (2017-08-05)
live cover recording of:
In Trance (on 2017-08-05)
Klaus Meine
Rudolf Schenker
Rudolf Slezak Musikverlag GmbH (publisher)
Uli Jon Roth6:23
26The Scarecrow
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 3: Harder (2017-08-05)
27Satan Is Real
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 3: Faster (2017-08-05)
live recording of:
Satan Is Real (on 2017-08-05)
lyricist and composer:
Mille Petrozza
Orwellian Hallucinations Edition
recorded at:
Wacken Open Air 2017, Day 3: Harder (2017-08-05)
live recording of:
Sieben (on 2017-08-05)
Michael Boden
Ingo Hampf
Subway to Sally3:59
live cover recording of:
“Heroes” (from 2015 until 2017)
David Bowie (English singer‐songwriter)
David Bowie (English singer‐songwriter) and Brian Eno
BMG Songs Ltd., E.G. Music Ltd. (publisher), EMI Music Publishing (do not use as a release label!), EMI Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS‐affiliated), RZO Music Ltd, Screen Gems–EMI Music, Inc. (USA, affiliated with BMI), Tintoretto Music, Universal Music Careers and Universal Music Publishing International MGB Ltd.
The Wacken Family Choir Mix5:37