
Live recording of a performance at the MET (4 January 1958)

Conductor - Jean Morel
Orchestra - Metropolitan Opera
Chorus - Metropolitan Opera

Faust - Nicolai Gedda
Méphistophélès - Jerome Hines
Marguerite - Hilde Güden
Valentin - Robert Merrill
Siébel - Margaret Roggero
Marthe - Thelma Votipka
Wagner - Calvin Marsh

Annotation last modified on 2022-10-02 16:05 UTC.


CD 1
CD 2
1Faust : Acte III. « Et quoi ! Toujours seule ? »
bass vocals [Méphistophélès]:
Jerome Hines (operatic bass) (on 1958-01-04)
mezzo-soprano vocals [Marthe]:
Thelma Votipka (mezzo-soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
soprano vocals [Marguerite]:
Hilde Güden (soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte III. No. 16 Quatuor « Prenez mon bras un moment ! » … « Eh quoi ! Toujours seule ? » (Faust, Marguerite, Méphistophélès, Marthe) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
part of:
Faust : Acte III
Charles Gounod5:41
2Faust : Acte III. « Il se fait tard ! Adieu ! »
soprano vocals [Marguerite]:
Hilde Güden (soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
partial recording of:
Faust : Acte III. No. 18 « Il se fait tard ! » … « Ô nuit d'amour » (Marguerite, Faust) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
Jules Barbier and Michel Carré (librettist)
part of:
Faust : Acte III
Charles Gounod4:04
3Faust : Acte III. « Ô nuit d'amour »
soprano vocals [Marguerite]:
Hilde Güden (soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
partial recording of:
Faust : Acte III. No. 18 « Il se fait tard ! » … « Ô nuit d'amour » (Marguerite, Faust) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
Jules Barbier and Michel Carré (librettist)
part of:
Faust : Acte III
Charles Gounod8:26
4Faust : Acte IV. « Seigneur, daignez permettre »
bass vocals [Méphistophélès]:
Jerome Hines (operatic bass) (on 1958-01-04)
choir vocals:
Metropolitan Opera Chorus (on 1958-01-04)
soprano vocals [Marguerite]:
Hilde Güden (soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte IV. No. 21 Scène de l’église “Seigneur, daignez permettre…” (Marguerite, Méphistophélès, Chœur) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
part of:
Faust : Acte IV
Charles Gounod9:52
5Faust : Acte IV. « Déposons les armes ! »
baritone vocals [Valentin]:
Robert Merrill (American operatic baritone) (on 1958-01-04)
choir vocals:
Metropolitan Opera Chorus (on 1958-01-04)
mezzo-soprano vocals [Siébel]:
Margaret Roggero (mezzo-soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte IV. No. 22 Chœur des soldats « Déposons les armes ! » (Chœur, Valentin, Siebel) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
additional librettist:
Michel Carré (librettist)
Jules Barbier
part of:
Faust : Acte IV
Charles Gounod7:26
6Faust : Acte IV. « Vous qui faites l'endormie »
bass vocals [Méphistophélès]:
Jerome Hines (operatic bass) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte IV. No. 24 Sérénade « Vous qui faites l’endormie » (Méphistophélès) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
Jules Barbier and Michel Carré (librettist)
part of:
Faust : Acte IV
Charles Gounod3:05
7Faust : Acte IV. « Que voulez-vous, messieurs ? »
baritone vocals [Valentin]:
Robert Merrill (American operatic baritone) (on 1958-01-04)
bass vocals [Méphistophélès]:
Jerome Hines (operatic bass) (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte IV. No. 25 Trio du duel « Que voulez-vous, messieurs ? » (Valentin, Méphistophélès, Faust) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
part of:
Faust : Acte IV
Charles Gounod4:08
8Faust : Acte IV. « Merci, merci, de vos plaintes »
baritone vocals [Valentin]:
Robert Merrill (American operatic baritone) (on 1958-01-04)
choir vocals:
Metropolitan Opera Chorus (on 1958-01-04)
mezzo-soprano vocals [Marthe]:
Thelma Votipka (mezzo-soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
mezzo-soprano vocals [Siébel]:
Margaret Roggero (mezzo-soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
soprano vocals [Marguerite]:
Hilde Güden (soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte IV. No. 26. Ensemble « Par ici, par ici, mes amis ! » … « Ce qui doit arriver » (Marthe, Chœur, Valentin, Marguerite, Siebel) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
part of:
Faust : Acte IV
Charles Gounod5:49
9Faust : Acte V. « Dans les bruyères »
bass vocals [Méphistophélès]:
Jerome Hines (operatic bass) (on 1958-01-04)
choir vocals:
Metropolitan Opera Chorus (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte V. No. 27 Chœur des feux follets « Dans les bruyères » … « Arrête ! » (Chœur, Faust, Méphistophélès) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
part of:
Faust : Acte V
Charles Gounod3:09
10Faust : Acte V. « Jusqu'aux premiers feux du matin »
bass vocals [Méphistophélès]:
Jerome Hines (operatic bass) (on 1958-01-04)
choir vocals:
Metropolitan Opera Chorus (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte V. No. 28 Scène et chœur « Jusqu’aux premiers feux du matin » … No. 29 Chant bachique « Doux nectar » (Méphistophélès, Chœur, Faust) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
part of:
Faust : Acte V
Charles Gounod7:20
11Faust : Acte V. « Va-t'en ! » … « Le jour va luire »
bass vocals [Méphistophélès]:
Jerome Hines (operatic bass) (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte V. No. 30 Scène de la prison « Va-t’en ! » (Faust, Méphistophélès) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
part of:
Faust : Acte V
Charles Gounod7:56
12Faust : Acte V. « Qui, c'est toi ! Je t'aime ! »
soprano vocals [Marguerite]:
Hilde Güden (soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte V. « Marguerite » … « Ah ! C’est la voix du bien‐aimé » … « Oui, c’est, moi, je t’aime ! » … « Attends ! voici la rue » (Marguerite, Faust) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
part of:
Faust : Acte V
Charles Gounod3:37
13Faust : Acte V. « Alerte, alerte, ou vous êtes perdus ! »
bass vocals [Méphistophélès]:
Jerome Hines (operatic bass) (on 1958-01-04)
choir vocals:
Metropolitan Opera Chorus (on 1958-01-04)
soprano vocals [Marguerite]:
Hilde Güden (soprano) (on 1958-01-04)
tenor vocals [Faust]:
Nicolai Gedda (tenor) (on 1958-01-04)
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (on 1958-01-04)
Jean Morel (conductor) (on 1958-01-04)
recorded at:
Metropolitan Opera House (the old Met at 1411 Broadway, New York, NY until 1966) in New York, New York, United States (on 1958-01-04)
recording of:
Faust : Acte V. No. 31 « Alerte, alerte » … « Anges purs » (Méphistophélès, Marguerite, Faust, Chœur) (on 1958-01-04)
Charles Gounod (French composer)
Jules Barbier and Michel Carré (librettist)
part of:
Faust : Acte V
recording of:
Faust : Acte V. No. 32 Apothéose « Sauvée » … « Christ est ressuscité » (Chœur) (on 1958-01-04)
part of:
Faust : Acte V
Charles Gounod4:49