Dwelling of Doom (館BGM) (ドラキュラII 呪いの封印, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Famicom Disk System)

~ Opera


compositore:松原健一 (video game composer, mostly for Konami)
altri database:https://ocremix.org/song/485 [info]
versioni successive:Dwelling of Doom (Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Nintendo Entertainment system)
parte di:Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (Famicom Disk System, video game soundtrack)


Castlevania II - Dwelling of DoomcoverVic Viper0:53
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Castlevania II: Simon's Quest 'No Flesh Allowed' OC ReMixcovergoat3:02
Complete Soundtrack Medleycover e medleyMatt Bollenbach10:12
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Dwelling of Doom (Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Famicom version, Mondo soundtrack)Konami Kukeiha Club?:??
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Dwelling of DoomcoverDaniel Tidwell1:47
Dwelling of Doom (Castlevania: Scarlet Night)coverBullicann & Draskon3:20
Dwelling of Doom - MansioncoverDusty Zahrt3:00
Dwelling of Doom - Mansion MusiccoverMatt Bollenbach1:39
Dwelling of Doom (館BGM)cover蒼い木の葉1:43
Dwelling of Doom (館BGM)[unknown]1:06
Dwelling of Doom(館BGM) (Castlevania II: Simon's Quest)コナミ矩形波倶楽部0:59
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