HatVGM (video game arrangement)

~ Persona


OperaAutoriArtistiISWCTipoLingue dei testiAttributiValutazione
Still Alive (Portal)
  • Inglese
ファイアーバブル (Super Mario 64)
  • [Nessun testo]
フィナーレ (Final Fantasy II)
  • [Nessun testo]
地下水道 (“Creeping Through the Sewers” from Chrono Trigger)
  • 植松伸夫 (video game, film & anime composer known for Final Fantasy) (compositore)
  • [Nessun testo]
  • 069-3388-2 (ID JASRAC)
月の民 (Final Fantasy IV)
  • 植松伸夫 (video game, film & anime composer known for Final Fantasy) (compositore)
  • [Nessun testo]
翼はもうはばたかない (Now Flightless Wings, Secret of Mana)
  • 菊田裕樹 (Japanese video game composer & game designer Hiroki Kikuta) (compositore)
  • [Nessun testo]