Cantatas BWV 83-86

~ Release by Johann Sebastian Bach; Bach-Ensemble, Helmuth Rilling (see all versions of this release, 2 available)


Volume 27(?)

Annotation last modified on 2015-01-05 01:36 UTC.


CD 1
1Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": I. Aria "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde"
alto vocals:
Helen Watts (contralto)
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": I. Aria (Alto) "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde" (in 1978-09)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde"
Johann Sebastian Bach7:00
2Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": II. Aria "Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener"
bass vocals:
Walter Heldwein
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": II. Aria (Bass) "Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener" (in 1978-09)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde"
Johann Sebastian Bach4:12
3Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": III. Aria "Eile, Herz, voll Freudigkeit"
tenor vocals:
Adalbert Kraus (tenor)
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": III. Aria (Ten) "Eile, Herz, voll Freudigkeit" (in 1978-09)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde"
Johann Sebastian Bach5:57
4Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": IV. Recitativo "Ja, merkt dein Glaube noch viel Finsternis"
alto vocals:
Helen Watts (contralto)
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": IV. Recitativo (Alto) "Ja, merkt dein Glaube noch viel Finsternis" (in 1978-09)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde"
Johann Sebastian Bach0:51
5Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": V. Er ist das Heil und selig Licht"
choir vocals:
Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde": V. Choral (Coro) "Er ist das heil und selig Licht" (in 1978-09)
Martin Luther (German theologian of the Reformation)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 250)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 83 "Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:01
6Kantate, BWV 84 "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke": I. Aria "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke"
soprano vocals:
Arleen Augér (soprano)
Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (from 1983-06 until 1983-07)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 84 "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke": I. Aria (Sopran) "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke" (from 1983-06 until 1983-07)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1727)
Christian Friedrich Henrici
part of:
Kantate, BWV 84 "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke"
Johann Sebastian Bach5:49
7Kantate, BWV 84 "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke": II. Recitativo "Gott ist mir ja nichts schuldig"Johann Sebastian Bach1:50
8Kantate, BWV 84 "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke": III. Aria "Ich esse mit Freuden mein weniges Brot"Johann Sebastian Bach4:33
9Kantate, BWV 84 "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke": IV. Recitativo "Im Schweiße meines Angesichts"Johann Sebastian Bach1:17
10Kantate, BWV 84 "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke": V. Choral "Ich leb indes in dir vergnüget"Johann Sebastian Bach1:13
11Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": I. Aria "Ich bin ein guter Hirt"
bass vocals:
Walter Heldwein
orchestra and performer:
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": I. Aria (Bass) "Ich bin ein guter Hirt" (from 1980-12 until 1983-07)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1725)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt"
Johann Sebastian Bach3:33
12Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": II. Aria "Jesus ist ein guter Hirt"
alto vocals:
Gabriele Schreckenbach (contralto)
orchestra and performer:
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": II. Aria (Alt) "Jesus ist ein guter Hirt" (from 1980-12 until 1983-07)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1725)
[anonymous] (special purpose artist)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt"
Johann Sebastian Bach4:00
13Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": III. Choral "Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt"
choir vocals:
Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart
Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart
orchestra and performer:
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": III. Choral (Sop) "Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt" (from 1980-12 until 1983-07)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1725)
Kornelius Becker (Lutheran pastor 1561-1604) (in 1598)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt"
Johann Sebastian Bach5:21
14Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": IV. Recitativo "Wann die Mietlinge schlafen"
tenor vocals:
Adalbert Kraus (tenor)
orchestra and performer:
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": IV. Recitativo (Tenor) "Wann die Mietlinge schlafen" (from 1980-12 until 1983-07)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1725)
[anonymous] (special purpose artist)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:17
15Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": V. Aria "Seht, was die Liebe tut"
tenor vocals:
Adalbert Kraus (tenor)
Adalbert Kraus (tenor)
orchestra and performer:
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": V. Aria (Tenor) "Seht, was die Liebe tut" (from 1980-12 until 1983-07)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1725)
[anonymous] (special purpose artist)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt"
Johann Sebastian Bach3:26
16Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": VI. Choral "Ist Gott mein Schutz und treuer Hirt"
choir vocals:
Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart
Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart
orchestra and performer:
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt": VI. Choral "Ist Gott mein Schutz und treuer Hirt" (from 1980-12 until 1983-07)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1725)
Ernst Christoph Homburg (in 1658)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 216)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 85 "Ich bin ein guter Hirt"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:23
17Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": I. Aria "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch"
bass vocals:
Walter Heldwein
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": I. Aria (Bass) "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch" (from 1978-02 until 1979-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch"
Johann Sebastian Bach3:12
18Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": II. Aria "Ich will doch wohl Rosen brechen"
alto vocals:
Helen Watts (contralto)
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": II. Aria (Alt) "Ich will doch wohl Rosen brechen" (from 1978-02 until 1979-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch"
Johann Sebastian Bach6:22
19Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": III. Choral "Und was der ewig gütig Gott"
soprano vocals:
Arleen Augér (soprano)
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": III. Choral (Sopran) "Und was der ewig gütig Gott" (from 1978-02 until 1979-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:47
20Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": IV. Recitativo "Gott macht es nicht gleichwie die Welt"
Adalbert Kraus (tenor)
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": IV. Recitativo (Tenor) "Gott macht es nicht gleichwie die Welt" (from 1978-02 until 1979-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch"
Johann Sebastian Bach0:37
21Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": V. Aria "Gott hilft gewiß"
tenor vocals:
Adalbert Kraus (tenor)
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": V. Aria (Tenor) "Gott hilft gewiß" (from 1978-02 until 1979-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch"
Johann Sebastian Bach2:51
22Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": VI. Choral "Die Hoffnung wart' der rechten Zeit"
choir vocals:
Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart
Bach‐Collegium Stuttgart (German baroque ensemble led by Helmuth Rilling, aka Bach‐Ensemble)
Helmuth Rilling (conductor)
recorded at:
Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch": VI. Choral "Die Hoffnung wart' der rechten Zeit" (from 1978-02 until 1979-02)
Paul Speratus
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1724)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 86)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 86 "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:01



ASIN:DE: B00003L1WS [info]

Release group

part of:Die kompletten Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach (Hänssler Classic) (number: 27) (order: 27)