Thelonius Beck

~ Recording by Gov’t Mule

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.3Thelonius Beck3:33Gov’t MuleDoseGov’t MuleAlbum
  • US1998-02-24
Volcano Records (US label LC7925 - NOT the Japanese label of the same name)01422-36504-2
1.3Thelonius Beck3:33Gov’t MuleDoseGov’t MuleAlbum
  • US1998-02-24
Capricorn Records (US label)314 536 504-2
1.3Thelonius Beck3:35Gov’t MuleDoseGov’t MuleAlbum
  • JP1998-06-29
Capricorn Records (US label)PHCR 1623
1.3Thelonius Beck3:33Gov’t MuleDoseGov’t MuleAlbum
Evangeline Records (Evangeline)GELM 4004
1.3Thelonius Beck3:33Gov’t MuleDoseGov’t MuleAlbumVolcano Records (US label LC7925 - NOT the Japanese label of the same name)


bass:Allen Woody (US bass guitarist)
drums (drum set):Matt Abts
guitar:Warren Haynes
vocals:Warren Haynes
recording of:Thelonius Beck

Thelonius Beck

writer:Warren Haynes
publisher:Buzzard Rock Music