Bird Dog

~ Recording by Compton Brothers

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.12Bird Dog?:??Compton BrothersHaunted House / Charlie BrownCompton BrothersAlbum
Dot Records (50-77 US country/R&B, revived in 2014)DLP 25974


recording of:Bird Dog (cover)

Bird Dog

lyricist and composer:Boudleaux Bryant
publisher:Acuff-Rose Publications, Inc. (BMI) (on 1958-08-15)
House of Bryant Publications (publisher; do NOT use as release label) (in 1978)
referred to in medleys:Do You Remember (Stars on 45)
later translated versions:Faux frère