Double Diploid

~ Recording by Steve Swell, David Taylor, Warren Smith, Chad Taylor

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.6Double Diploid5:05Steve Swell, David Taylor, Warren Smith, Chad TaylorDouble DiploidSteve Swell - David Taylor Quartet, David Taylor, Warren Smith, Chad TaylorAlbum
CIMP (Creative Improvised Music Projects)CIMP 352


bass trombone and bell:David Taylor (US jazz bass trombonist)
bell [percussion]:Warren Smith (jazz percussionist)
Chad Taylor (drummer)
bell and trombone:Steve Swell (free jazz trombonist)
spoken vocals:Warren Smith (jazz percussionist)
Steve Swell (free jazz trombonist)
Chad Taylor (drummer)
Dave Taylor (US jazz bass trombonist)
recorded at:The Spirit Room in Rossie, New York, United States (on 2006-05-01)