[A Vision of Paradise] Take him, Earth, for cherishing

~ Recording by Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.12[A Vision of Paradise] Take him, Earth, for cherishing9:38Herbert HowellsThe Road To ParadiseGabrieli Consort, Paul McCreeshAlbum
  • XW2007-06-01
Deutsche Grammophon477 660-5


producer:Christopher Alder (editor/engineer/producer)
Gabriel Crouch (baritone / conductor / producer)
orchestra:Gabrieli Consort & Players (UK early music ensemble) (in 2006-07)
conductor:Paul McCreesh (conductor) (in 2006-07)
balance engineer:Neil Hutchinson (sound engineer) (in 2006-07)
recording of:Take him, earth, for cherishing (in 2006-07)

Take him, earth, for cherishing

lyricist:Aurelius Prudentius
composer:Herbert Howells (composer) (in 1964)
translator:Helen Waddell