Requiem: Lux aeterna

~ Recording by Vasari Singers, Jeremy Backhouse

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.7Requiem: Lux aeterna6:30Gabriel JacksonRequiemGabriel Jackson; Vasari Singers, Jeremy BackhouseAlbum
  • XW2012-10-02
1.7Requiem: Lux aeterna6:36Gabriel JacksonRequiemGabriel Jackson; Vasari Singers, Jeremy BackhouseAlbum
  • -2012-10


engineer:David Hinitt (UK recording engineer, early 21c)
producer and editor:Adrian Peacock (bass vocalist, producer)
choir vocals:Vasari Singers (UK chamber choir) (from 2011-02-25 until 2011-02-27)
conductor:Jeremy Backhouse (from 2011-02-25 until 2011-02-27)
recorded at:Chapel of St. Augustine in Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom (from 2011-02-25 until 2011-02-27)
recording of:Requiem: VII. Lux aeterna (from 2011-02-25 until 2011-02-27)

Requiem: VII. Lux aeterna

composer:Gabriel Jackson (choral composer) (in 2008)
part of:Requiem (movement) (order: 7)