Let's Get Away From It All

~ Recording by Frank Sinatra

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.18Let's Get Away From It All2:12Frank SinatraThe Frank Sinatra CollectionFrank SinatraAlbum + Compilation
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)CD-EMTV 41, CDP 7 48616 2
1.6Let's Get Away From It All2:13Frank Sinatra20 of the BestFrank SinatraAlbum + Compilation
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)7243 8 56218 2 6, CDMFPE 6335


recording of:Let’s Get Away From It All

Let’s Get Away From It All

lyricist:Tom Adair
composer:Matt Dennis (American singer, pianist, band leader)
publisher:Dorsey Brothers Music