Damien De Coene (noise musician)

~ Person


Fan FetishDamien De CoeneDigital Media7
  • XW2018-03-22
Reason Art Records
Morse GoatDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-03-25
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Uitgeschakeld / Damien De CoeneUitgeschakeld / Damien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-03-27
Void Singularity RecordingsVSR006[none]
SheepDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-04-02
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Hard Techno Noise WalDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-04-04
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
MorgueDamien De CoeneDigital Media4
  • XW2018-04-08
Earthwalker RecordingsER-93[none]
Humid CaveDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-04-12
Nature Noise WallNNW47[none]
Still Skies, Static CorpsesDamien De CoeneDigital Media5
  • XW2018-04-22
LSD Induced Nightmares RecordsLSDINR#54[none]
RodchenkoDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-05-13
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Rodchenko LauDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-05-14
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Rodchenko Bost eta SeiDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-05-17
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Collected TracksDamien De CoeneDigital Media10
  • XW2018-05-29
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Springtime DepravityDamien De CoeneDigital Media5
  • XW2018-06-03
Marbre NegreMN079[none]
Drawing NoiseDamien & Quinten De CoeneDigital Media7
  • XW2018-06-05
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Grote Zinloze Grijze ZoneDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-06-11
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Rodchenko Zazpi, Zortzi eta BederatziDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-06-26
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
The Rancor of RosaDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-07-13
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Petals of Torn FleshDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-07-24
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Mountains Like Broken TeethDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-07-28
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Damien De Coene / Train CemeteryDamien De Coene / Train CemeteryDigital Media2
  • XW2018-07-30
Craneal Fracture Records (Spanish record label of experimental electronic music)[none]
Rehearsal DoomDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-09-03
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Collecting FliesDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-09-28
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
ProgramDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-10-03
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
The Present Is a Hostile PlaceDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-10-06
Damien De Coene / N0123NOISEDamien De Coene / N0123NOISEDigital Media2
  • XW2018-11-01
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day oneDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-11-01
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day twoDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-11-02
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day threeDamien De CoeneDigital Media7
  • XW2018-11-03
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day fourDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-11-04
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day fiveDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-11-05
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Home SituationDamien De CoeneDigital Media8
  • XW2018-11-06
HNW Netlabel (harsh noise wall)HNW213[none]
NOISEVEMBER day sixDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-11-06
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day sevenDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-11-07
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day eightDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-11-08
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day nineDamien De CoeneDigital Media4
  • XW2018-11-09
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day tenDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-11-10
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day elevenDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-11-11
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day twelveDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-11-12
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day thirteenDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-11-13
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Privileged Electronics: Indifference (NOISEVEMBER day fourteen)Damien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-11-14
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
NOISEVEMBER day sixteenDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-11-16
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Ratteknaeghen / Damien De CoeneRatteknaeghen / Damien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-11-21
Ominous RecordingsOR126
Dido and AeneasDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2018-11-26
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Electric Shock InterrogationDamien De CoeneDigital Media7
  • XW2018-12-04
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Walls of WinterDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-12-11
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
More Walls of WinterDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-12-12
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Pedal Chained PoemsDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2018-12-18
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Einzelgänger Group ChatDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2018-12-20
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Junkyard WarsDamien De Coene / TAB IN/TAB OUTDigital Media2
  • XW2018-12-21
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Alix Cleo Roubaud, “The Spoon,” c. 1980Damien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-01-12
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Boxset PreviewDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2019-01-22
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
KrijsluchtDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-01-31
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
No Inner ResourcesDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-01
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Curtains DrawnDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-07
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Background DoomDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-08
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
I am rusty nails / Waiting to hurt youDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-02-13
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Future in DistressDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-15
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Light CrusaderDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-02-17
LSD Induced Nightmares RecordsLSDINR#113
The Creation of a CorpseDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-18
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Distorting the SourceDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2019-02-20
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Instagram Influencers: Huda KattanDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-21
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Instagram Influencers: Cameron DallasDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-22
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Instagram Influencers: Chiara FerragniDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-26
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Instagram Influencers: Kylie JennerDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-02-28
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Dream Song 29Damien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-03-01
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Instagram Influencers: Nash GrierDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-03-01
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Instagram Influencers: Camila CoelhoDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-03-03
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Amniotic Fluid PropellersDamien De Coene / Unsignified DeathDigital Media5
  • XW2019-03-04
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Instagram Influencers: Mariano Di VaioDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-03-07
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Instagram Influencers: Julie SariñanaDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-03-08
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Cannibal Ritual - Chier - Damien De Coene - RRRCannibal Ritual / Chier / RRR / Damien De CoeneCD-R4
  • FR2019-03-10
Required Rate of Return (French DIY label)RRRR058
DNW IDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-03-12
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
DNW IIDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-03-13
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
DinnerDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2019-03-21
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Jittery MonksDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-04-03
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Static DewDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-04-04
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Mourning Portraits I (Like This She Will Always Be with Us)Damien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-04-23
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Prisoner of ThoughtDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-04-23
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Mourning Portraits II (Sleeping, Peacefully)Damien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-04-24
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Mourning Portraits III (Daguerreotype of the Deceased/So Lifelike)Damien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-04-25
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Mourning Portraits IV (Painted Eyes)Damien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-04-30
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Michelle / Damien De CoeneMichelle / Damien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-05-03
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
MiyakejimaDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-05-07
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
One of Its Many Symptoms Is Plastic SurgeryDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-05-08
sans documents[none][none]
TWEE MOMPELMURENDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-05-11
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
InterferenceDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-05-19
Marbre NegreMN099[none]
DrieluikDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-05-26
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
17:37Damien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-06-08
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Sans TitreDamien De CoeneDigital Media4
  • XW2019-06-13
Anoxia Records
The Sadness of the Plastic PrinceDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-06-27
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
StressDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2019-07-02
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
The Source Is EverythingDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-09-07
Dark Field Recordings
Chaotic Genesis x Damien De CoeneChaotic Genesis x Damien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-10-14
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Chance Drone 1 (with Ghost)Damien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-11-01
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Craving TexturesDamien De CoeneDigital Media1
  • XW2019-11-07
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
The Sound of a Suicide NoteDamien De CoeneDigital Media2
  • XW2019-11-13
Perpetual Abjection (Thai noise label)PA013[none]
Chance Drone 2Damien De Coene with StimmenwaldDigital Media1
  • XW2019-11-13
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
SplitDamien De Coene & Tim MartensDigital Media2
  • XW2019-11-24
Chance Drone 2Damien De Coene & StimmenwaldDigital Media1
  • XW2019-11-27
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Weather ImitationsDamien De CoeneDigital Media3
  • XW2019-12-05
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none][none]
Showing releases by this artist. Show Various Artist releases instead.