石川桃子 (voice actress)

~ Person


An alias is an alternate name for an entity. They typically contain common misspellings or variations of the name and are also used to improve search results. View the alias documentation for more details.

石川桃子 (voice actress) has no aliases.

Artist credits

This is a list of all the different ways 石川桃子 (voice actress) is credited in the database. View the artist credit documentation for more details.

乃木坂春香:能登麻美子, 綾瀬裕人:羽多野渉, 乃木坂美夏:後藤麻衣, 桜坂葉月:清水香里, 七城那波:植田佳奈, 天宮椎菜:佐藤利奈, アリスティア=レイン & 天王寺冬華:釘宮理恵, 乃木坂玄冬:立木文彦, 乃木坂秋穂:久川 綾, 小犬川無道:岐部公好, 楠本水面:水原 薫, 雪野原鞠愛:高本めぐみ, 凪川小鮎:五十嵐裕美, 六条菖蒲:森谷里美, 六条沙羅:石川桃子, 六条樹里:矢作紗友里, 宗像理緒:井口裕香, 雛咲祝:日笠陽子 (see uses)
四家卯大&篠田元一&倉田信雄&石川桃子&Logic System (see uses)
坂本朱&石川桃子 (see uses)