
~ Character


An alias is an alternate name for an entity. They typically contain common misspellings or variations of the name and are also used to improve search results. View the alias documentation for more details.

AliasSort nameBegin dateEnd dateTypeLocale
KotoneArtist nameJapanese (primary)
天神子兎音てんじんことねArtist nameJapanese
Kotone TenjinTenjin, KotoneArtist name
てんじん ことねSearch hint
てんじんことねSearch hint
琴音Search hint

Artist credits

This is a list of all the different ways 天神子兎音 is credited in the database. View the artist credit documentation for more details.

Kotone (see uses)
Kotone, 獅子神レオナ & 凪原涼菜 (see uses)
Tenjin Kotone (see uses)
かしこまり × 天神子兎音 (see uses)
ときのそら & 天神子兎音 (see uses)
ときのそらおめがシスターズえる虹河ラキドーラ緑仙ロボ子さん樋口楓かしこまり燦鳥ノム天神子兎音月ノ美兎富士葵 Arranged by 未来茶オールスターズ (see uses)
アズマ リム × かしこまり × 天神子兎音 × ときのそら (see uses)
アズマ リム, かしこまり, 天神子兎音 & ときのそら (see uses)
天神子兎音 (see uses)
天神子兎音 & Aire (see uses)
天神子兎音 & 竜胆尊 (see uses)
天神子兎音 Arranged by Aire (see uses)
天神子兎音(Kotone) feat.生田鷹司 (from PENGUIN RESEARCH)/ギガP (see uses)
天神子兎音(Kotone)/Giga (see uses)
天神子兎音(Kotone)/yukkedoluce (see uses)
天神子兎音(Kotone)/かいりきベア (see uses)
天神子兎音(Kotone)/みきとP (see uses)
天神子兎音(Kotone)/ユリイカノン (see uses)
朝ノ瑠璃, VESPERBELL, おめがシスターズ, Kotone, 獅子神レオナ, 道明寺ここあ, 凪原涼菜 & MaiR (see uses)