Bright Mississippi (live, 1972-06-15: Village Vanguard, New York, NY, USA)

~ Recording by Thelonious Monk Quartet

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.6Bright Mississippi10:05Thelonious Monk QuartetThe Last Concerts (Lincoln Center 1975 - Village Vanguard 1972)Thelonious Monk QuartetAlbum
  • FR2009-08-24
RLR RecordsRLR 88643


double bass:Dave Holland (British jazz bassist and composer) (on 1972-06-15)
drums (drum set):T.S. Monk (drummer, son of Thelonious Monk) (on 1972-06-15)
piano:Thelonious Monk (on 1972-06-15)
tenor saxophone:Paul Jeffrey (saxophone) (on 1972-06-15)
recorded at:Village Vanguard in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, United States (on 1972-06-15)
recording of:Bright Mississippi (on 1972-06-15: live)

Bright Mississippi

composer:Thelonious Monk