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#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.11The Beauty That Still Remains: Epilogue: the Beauty That Still Remains7:28Marcus PausThe Beauty That Still RemainsDet norske jentekor, Anne Karin Sundal-AskAlbum
2L (Norwegian classical and jazz)2L157


accordion:Frode Haltli
soprano vocals:Nora Aleksandra Lindeman Katla
vocals:Det norske jentekor (The Norwegian Girls Choir, fka NRKs jentekor until 1995)
conductor:Anne Karin Sundal-Ask
recorded at:Uranienborg kirke in Oslo, Norway (from 2018-04 until 2019-03)
recording of:Epilogue: the Beauty That Still Remains (from 2018-04 until 2019-03)

Epilogue: the Beauty That Still Remains

lyricist:Anne Frank (Diarist)
composer:Marcus Paus (Norwegian classical and score composer) (in 2015)
part of:The Beauty That Still Remains (movement) (order: 11)