All My Life

~ Recording by Ferrante & Teicher

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.4All My Life4:20Ferrante & TeicherPlay the Carpenters SongbookFerrante & TeicherAlbum
United ArtistsUA-LA490-G
1.7All My Life4:20Ferrante & TeicherPlay the Carpenters Songbook (Club edition)Ferrante & TeicherAlbum
United ArtistsEA 490
1.7All My Life4:20Ferrante & TeicherPlay the Carpenters Songbook (red shell)Ferrante & TeicherAlbum
United ArtistsEA 490, EA 490 H
1.4All My Life4:20Ferrante & TeicherPlay the Carpenters SongbookFerrante & TeicherAlbum
United ArtistsUA-LA490-G


recording of:All of My Life (cover, instrumental)

All of My Life

composer:Richard Carpenter (The Carpenters)
publisher:Almo Music Corp. (USA, affiliated with ASCAP)
Irving Music, Inc.
Rondor Music (London) Ltd.