The East

~ Recording by Donald Byrd

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.3The East9:19Donald ByrdLive: Cookin' with Blue Note at MontreuxDonald ByrdAlbum + Live
  • XW2022-12-09
Blue Note602445998395
1.3The East9:19Donald ByrdLive: Cookin' with Blue Note at MontreuxDonald ByrdAlbum + Live
Blue Note


recording engineer:Chris "Snoopy" Penycate (Swiss engineer) (on 1973-07-05)
mixer:Gabe Lowry
congas and percussion:Ray Armando (on 1973-07-05)
drums (drum set):Keith Killgo (on 1973-07-05)
electric bass guitar [electric bass]:Henry Franklin (American jazz double-bassist) (on 1973-07-05)
electric guitar:Barney Perry (on 1973-07-05)
electric piano:Kevin Toney (on 1973-07-05)
flugelhorn:Donald Byrd (American jazz trumpeter) (on 1973-07-05)
flute:Allan Barnes (on 1973-07-05)
soprano saxophone:Nathan Davis (saxophonist) (on 1973-07-05)
synthesizer:Larry Mizell (on 1973-07-05)
tenor saxophone:Allan Barnes (on 1973-07-05)
Nathan Davis (saxophonist) (on 1973-07-05)
trumpet:Donald Byrd (American jazz trumpeter) (on 1973-07-05)
Fonce Mizell (on 1973-07-05)
vocals:Donald Byrd (American jazz trumpeter)
Keith Killgo (on 1973-07-05)
Fonce Mizell (on 1973-07-05)
recording of:The East (on 1973-07-05: live)

The East

composer:Donald Byrd (American jazz trumpeter)