Cantigas d'amigo: No. 3. ... to see my friend there

~ Recording by Flemish Radio Choir, Bo Holten

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.7Cantigas d'amigo: No. 3. ... to see my friend there2:51Bo HoltenVenus' WheelBo Holten; Flemish Radio ChoirAlbum
Dacapo (Danish classical label, DCCD or X.XXXXXX catalog numbers)8.226062


choir vocals:Flemish Radio Choir (Flemish Radio Choir) (from 2011-05-30 until 2011-06-01)
conductor:Bo Holten (Danish composer, conductor) (from 2011-05-30 until 2011-06-01)
recorded at:Jezuïetenkerk (Heverlee) in Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Flanders, Belgium (from 2011-05-30 until 2011-06-01)
recording of:Cantigas d'amigo: No. 3. ... to see my friend there (from 2011-05-30 until 2011-06-01)

Cantigas d'amigo: No. 3. ... to see my friend there

composer:Bo Holten (Danish composer, conductor) (in 2010)
part of:Cantigas d'amigo (order: 3)