21 & Counting

~ Recording by The Mystery Lights

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.821 & Counting3:05The Mystery LightsThe Mystery LightsThe Mystery LightsAlbum
  • US2016-06-24
Wick RecordsWick-001
1.821 & Counting3:05The Mystery LightsThe Mystery LightsThe Mystery LightsAlbum
  • XW2016-06-24
Daptone Records


engineer:Wayne Gordon
producer:Wayne Gordon
The Mystery Lights (US psychedelic rock band)
mixer:Gabriel Roth
Wayne Gordon
recording of:21 & Counting

21 & Counting

writer:The Mystery Lights (US psychedelic rock band)