Warner Bros. Music (publisher; do NOT use as release label)
~ Label
Formed in 1929 (as Music Publishers Holding Corporation), after Warner Bros. had acquired several music publishing companies (which included Witmark, Remick, as well as Max Dreyfuss's share in T.B. Harms) and then merged them into one music publishing company.
its US arm (which is ASCAP-affiliated) is WB Music Corp. aka Warner Bros. Music Corp. (among other name variants)
its UK subsidiary is Warner Bros. Music Ltd.
until Warner Bros. Records Inc. was formed in 1958, Warner Bros. Music was probably directly under Warner Bros. Pictures.
for a brief period between 1967–69, it was likely renamed W‐7 Music Corp. in accord with its parent record company. Warner Bros. Records Inc. was renamed Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Records, Inc. when film company Seven Arts Productions bought Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. and merged with it. later, when the Kinney National Company then purchased the record company in 1969, the "Seven Arts" name was dropped and its name went back to Warner Bros. Records Inc.
Previously known as: Harms, Inc., Jerome H. Remick & Co., M. Witmark & Sons
Renamed to: Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
This label does not have any releases.