The Troubadours (1920s US group)

~ Group



1923Little Butterfly / So This Is Love!Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra / The Troubadours2
1924The Song of Songs / My Dream GirlPaul Whiteman and His Orchestra / The Troubadours1
1924All Alone / I Wonder What's Become of Sally?Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra / The Troubadours1
1926Always / Princess FlaviaGeorge Olsen and His Music / The Troubadours1
1926Down by the Winegar Wolks / Sorry and BlueThe Troubadours / Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra1
1928Beloved / Dream RiverThe Troubadours / Ted Weems And His Orchestra1
1928Memories of France / That's Just My Way of Forgetting YouThe Troubadours / Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra1

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