An alias is an alternate name for an entity. They typically contain common misspellings or variations of the name and are also used to improve search results. View the alias documentation for more details.
Alias | Sort name | Begin date | End date | Type | Locale |
Chœur Glinka de Saint-Pétersbourg | | | Artist name | French () | |
Glinka Choir of Leningrad | | | | | |
Glinka State Choir of St. Petersburg | | | | | |
Leningrad Chorus | | | | | |
Leningrad Glinka Choir | | | | | |
The Leningrad Glinka State Academic Choir | | | Artist name | | |
Ленинградская государственная академическая хоровая капелла им. Глинки | | | | | |
Artist credits
This is a list of all the different ways Певческая капелла Санкт-Петербурга is credited in the database. View the artist credit documentation for more details.
Name |
Anna Knaifel, Leningrad Academic Glinka Capella, Nikolai Moskalenko Percussion Ensemble, Arkady Steinlucht (see uses) |
Coro della Cappella "Glinka" di San Pietroburgo, Orchestra Filarmonica di San Pietroburgo, Roberto Tigani (see uses) |
Dmitri Bortnyansky; Glinka State Choir of St. Petersburg, Vladislav Chernoushenko (see uses) |
Glinka Choir of Leningrad (see uses) |
Glinka Choir of Leningrad, St. Petersburg State Academy Orchestra, Mikis Theodorakis (see uses) |
Glinka State Choir of St. Petersburg, Vladislav Chernoushenko (see uses) |
La Cappella de Saint-Petersbourg, Vladislav Tchernouchenko (see uses) |
Leningrad Glinka State Academic Choir, Vladislav Chernushenko (see uses) |
Leningrad State Choir Capella, Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladislav Tchernushenko (see uses) |
Luigi Cherubini; Orchestra e Coro della Cappella "Glinka" di S. Pietroburgo, Roberto Tigani (see uses) |
Mihail Glinka, Leningrad Chorus, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, Владислав Чернушенко (see uses) |
Mihail Glinka, Leningrad Chorus, Tatjana Pavlova, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, Владислав Чернушенко (see uses) |
Mihail Glinka, Leningrad Chorus, Zena Polovecova, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, Владислав Чернушенко (see uses) |
Mihail Glinka, Геннадий Иванович Беззубенков, Leningrad Chorus, Tatjana Pavlova, Anotolij Vorapajev, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, Владислав Чернушенко (see uses) |
Mihail Glinka, Геннадий Иванович Беззубенков, Leningrad Chorus, Tatjana Pavlova, Zena Polovecova, Anotolij Vorapajev, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, Владислав Чернушенко (see uses) |
Mikis Theodorakis; St. Petersburg State Academic Capella Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Mikis Theodorakis (see uses) |
Mikis Theodorakis; St. Petersburg State Academy Orchestra, Glinka Choir of Leningrad (see uses) |
Mikis Theodorakis; St. Petersburg State Academy Orchestra, Glinka Choir of Leningrad, Mikis Theodorakis (conductor) (see uses) |
Sergei Rachmaninov; La Cappella de Saint-Petersbourg, Vladislav Tchernouchenko (see uses) |
Sergei Rokozitsa, Leningrad Glinka State Academic Choir, Vladislav Chernushenko (see uses) |
Sergey Slonimsky; Orchestra and Choir of the St. Petersburg State Kapella, Vladislav Chernushenko (see uses) |
The Leningrad M. Glinka Choir, Vladislav Chernushenko (see uses) |
Vladislav Chernoushenko, Glinka State Choir of St. Petersburg (see uses) |
Zhanna Polevtsova, Leningrad Glinka State Academic Choir, Vladislav Chernushenko (see uses) |
Μίκης Θεοδωράκης, St. Petersburg State Academy Orchestra & Glinka Choir of Leningrad (see uses) |
Μίκης Θεοδωράκης;St Petersburg State Capella Symphony Orchestra, Glinka Choir of Leningrad (see uses) |
Ленинградская государственная академическая хоровая капелла им. Глинки (see uses) |