German Brass

~ Orchestra


Unspecified type

Around the World 2German Brass1


1985Bach 300Johann Sebastian Bach; German Brass2
1986Das deutsche BlechbläserquintettGerman Brass1
1993Christmas Around The WorldGerman Brass mit dem Windsbacher Knabenchor3
1997Bach 2000German Brass2
1998PanamericanaGerman Brass Quintet1
1998Trumpets of JerichoGerman Brass1
1999On TourGerman Brass1
1999On Stage: OverturesGerman Brass1
1999Spirit of BrassGerman Brass1
2003The Sound of BrassGerman Brass1
2005Power of BrassGerman Brass1
2010At the End of the YearGerman Brass1
2010Around the world 1German Brass1
2011PanamericanaGerman Brass1
2013German Brass Celebrating WagnerRichard Wagner; German Brass1
2016Bach on BrassGerman Brass1
2016Brass ChristmasGerman Brass1
2017RhapsodyGerman Brass2
2019Trip to AmericaGerman Brass1
Around the WorldGerman Brass1
Bach DimensionenGerman Brass & Berliner Symphoniker1
Fascination BachGerman Brass1
Mit Bach ins 3. JahrtausendGerman Brass1
Odyssee in BrassGerman Brass1
Samuel Scheidt (Allerley liebliche Täntze & Liedlein auff Concerten Manir)German Brass1

Album + Compilation

1998Best of German BrassGerman Brass1
2001Essentials: Best of German BrassGerman Brass1
2004Bach in BrassGerman Brass1
2013Fantastic MomentsGerman Brass1
2013German Brass Celebrating WagnerGerman Brass1
2017Brass HeraldsGerman Brass1


2021No Time to DieGerman Brass1

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