David Gordon (American concert and opera tenor)

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1989Vivaldi: Gloria / Bach: MagnificatVivaldi, Bach; Dawn Upshaw, Penelope Jensen, Marietta Simpson, David Gordon, William Stone, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Chorus, Robert Shaw1
1989Dreames and Imaginations: Elizabethan music for Voice and Consort of ViolsDavid Gordon, Elaine Scott Banks, Tina Chancey, Robert Eisenstein, Wendy Gillespie & Mary Springfels1
1992Violin Concerto (In Concordiam) / TreeStoneStephen Albert; Seattle Symphony, New York Chamber Symphony, Gerard Schwarz, Ilkka Talvi, Lucy Shelton, David Gordon2
2012Acis and GalateaHandel; Kotoski, Gordon, Siebert, Opalach, Seattle Symphony Chorale, Seattle Symphony, Gerard Schwarz1

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