

1994CholymelanDiary of Dreams43
1996End of FlowersDiary of Dreams4.53
1997Bird Without WingsDiary of Dreams4.53
1998Psychoma?Diary of Dreams4.54
1999Moments of BloomDiary of Dreams4.55
2000One of 18 AngelsDiary of Dreams4.55
2002Freak PerfumeDiary of Dreams48
2004NigredoDiary of Dreams4.54
2007Nekrolog 43Diary of Dreams45
2009(if)Diary of Dreams3.55
2011Ego:XDiary of Dreams36
2012The Anatomy of SilenceDiary of Dreams42
2014Elegies in DarknessDiary of Dreams43
2015Grau im LichtDiary of Dreams42
2017Hell in EdenDiary of Dreams42
2023MelancholinDiary of Dreams32

Album + Compilation

2010A Collection Of...Diary of Dreams1
2024Under a Timeless SpellDiary of Dreams & die Philharmonie Leipzig1

Album + Live

2005AliveDiary of Dreams3
2006Nine in NumbersDiary of Dreams2
2016reLiveDiary of Dreams2

Album + Remix

2003Dream CollectorDiary of Dreams3
2012Dream Collector IIDiary of Dreams2


2001O' Brother SleepDiary of Dreams2
2002AmoKDiary of Dreams2
2004GiftraumDiary of Dreams1
2007The PlagueDiary of Dreams1
2008BorderlandDiary of Dreams1
2009King of NowhereDiary of Dreams1
2011Undividable (Magnetized mix)Diary of Dreams1
2017Hiding RiversDiary of Dreams1
2017EpiconDiary of Dreams1
2023The SecretDiary of Dreams1
2023Viva la BestiaDiary of Dreams1
2024the ValleyDiary of Dreams & die Philharmonie Leipzig1
2024TraumtänzerDiary of Dreams & die Philharmonie Leipzig1


2002PaniK ManifestoDiary of Dreams3
2005MenschFeindDiary of Dreams4

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