
Unspecified type

1986The Complete English AnthemsThomas Tallis; The Tallis Scholars2
1998LamentaThe Tallis Scholars1


1980Allegri: Miserere / Palestrina: Missa Papae Marcelli / Mundy: Vox Patris CaelestisAllegri, Palestrina, Mundy; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips6
1982English MadrigalsThe Tallis Scholars3
1985Spem in aliumThomas Tallis; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips4
1986Missa Gloria tibi TrinitasJohn Taverner; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1986Christmas Carols and MotetsThe Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips3
1986Missa Pange lingua / Missa La sol fa re mi / Plainchant: Pange linguaJosquin; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1986Palestrina Masses: Missa BrevisGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1987Palestrina Masses: Missa Nigra sumPalestrina; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips22
1987The Great ServiceWilliam Byrd; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips32
1987Tenebrae Responsories for Holy SaturdayCarlo Gesualdo; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
1987Victoria RequiemThe Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips; Tomás Luis de Victoria2
1988Stabat MaterWilliam Cornysh; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips41
1989Palestrina MassesGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1989L’homme armé MassesJosquin des Prez; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips3
1990RequiemFrei Manuel Cardoso; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips3
1990Palestrina Masses: Missa Benedicta esGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips3
1991Missa de ApostolisHeinrich Isaac; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips52
1991The Great ServiceTomkins; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
1992Missa Et ecce terrae motusAntoine Brumel; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
1992RequiemDuarte Lôbo; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1993Lassus Missa Osculetur MeOrlande de Lassus; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
1993Western Wind MassesTaverner, Tye, Sheppard; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1993The Three MassesWilliam Byrd; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1993The Palestrina 400 CollectionGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; The Tallis Scholars2
1994Missa Praeter rerum seriemCipriano de Rore; The Tallis Scholars3
1995Tudor Church MusicRobert White; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1996Missa Maria zartJacob Obrecht; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips41
1997Missa De plus en plus / Missa Au travail suisJohannes Ockeghem; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
1997Sacred MusicAlonso Lobo; The Tallis Scholars2
1997Johannes Ockeghem - Au Travail Suis & De Plus En PlusThe Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips1
1997Missa De plus en plus / Missa Au travail suisJohannes Ockeghem; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips41
1998Live in OxfordThe Tallis Scholars1
1998The Tallis Christmas MassThomas Tallis; The Tallis Scholars2
2000Morales: Missa Si Bona Suscepimus - Crecquillon: Andreas Christi Famulus - Verdelot: Si Bona Suscepimus.The Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips1
2000Missa Si bona suscepimusCristóbal de Morales; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2001Missa Pastores quidnam vidistisJacobus Clemens non Papa; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2001Ikon of Light / Funeral Ikos / Carol: The LambJohn Tavener; The Tallis Scholars, Members of the Chilingirian String Quartet1
2001Lamentations of JeremiahThomas Tallis; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2001Magnificats 1-4Nicolas Gombert; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
2001Tenebrae ResponsoriesVictoria; Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
2002Russian Orthodox MusicThe Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2002Magnificats 5-8Nicolas Gombert; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2004The Tallis Scholars Sing Thomas TallisThomas Tallis; The Tallis Scholars2
2005The Tallis Scholars Sing PalestrinaGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2005John Browne - Music from the Eton ChoirbookThe Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips1
2005Music from the Eton ChoirbookJohn Browne; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2006Missa Surge properaFrancisco Guerrero; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2006Playing Elizabeth's Tune - Sacred Music by William ByrdThe Tallis Scholars1
2007Miserere / Missa Papae MarcelliAllegri / Palestrina; The Tallis Scholars1
2007The Tallis Scholars Sing William ByrdWilliam Byrd; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2008Missa Sine nomine / Missa Ad fugamJosquin des Prez; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips41
2009Masses: Malheur Me Bat, Fortuna DesperataJosquin des Prez; The Tallis Scholars2
2010Lamentations of JeremiahTomás Luis de Victoria; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2011Masses: De beata virgine / Ave maris stellaJosquin; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2012Jean Mouton - Missa Dictes Moy Toutes Voz Pensées - Nesciens MaterThe Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips1
2013Sainte-ChapelleThe Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2013John Taverner - Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas and MagnificatsThe Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips1
2013Missa Gloria tibi TrinitasJohn Taverner; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2015Missa Corona spineaJohn Taverner;The Tallis Scholars,Peter Phillips1
2015TintinnabuliArvo Pärt; The Tallis Scholars2
2016Missa Di dadi; Missa Une mousse de BiscayeJosquin des Prez; The Tallis Scholars1
2018The Essential Tallis ScholarsPeter Phillips & The Tallis Scholars2
2018Josquin Masses: Gaudeamus, L'ami BaudichonJosquin des Prez; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2019Josquin: Missa Mater Patris / Bauldeweyn: Missa Da pacemJosquin, Bauldeweyn; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
2020Masses: Hercules Dux Ferrarie · D'ung aultre amer · Faysant regretzJosquin; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
2020Allegri: Miserere - Palestrina: Missa Papae Marcelli - Mundy: Vox Patris caelestisThe Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips & Gregorio Allegri0
2023Missa CantateJohn Sheppard; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
2024Robert Fayrfax: Maria plena virtuteThe Tallis Scholars1
Music Featured on the South Bank ShowThe Tallis Scholars1
Renaissance GiantsThe Tallis Scholars1

Album + Compilation

1988Sarum ChantThe Tallis Scholars2
1989Media VitaJohn Sheppard, The Tallis Scholars Directed By Peter Phillips2
1993William Byrd: Commemorating the 450th Anniversary of His BirthWilliam Byrd; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips2
1995A Tudor CollectionThe Tallis Scholars1
1995Commemorating the 450th Anniversary of His DeathJohn Taverner; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips3
1997The Yearning Spirit: Voices of ContemplationThe Tallis Scholars1
1999The Best of the RenaissanceThe Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2003Christmas with the Tallis ScholarsThe Tallis Scholars1
2005The Talis Scholars Sing PalestrinaPalestrina; The Tallis Scholars1
2005RequiemThe Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2006The Tallis Scholars Sing JosquinJosquin des Prez; The Tallis Scholars1
2006Renaissance GiantsThe Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips1
2008The Tallis Scholars Sing Tudor Church Music, Volume 2The Tallis Scholars1
2008The Tallis Scholars Sing Tudor Church Music, Volume 1The Tallis Scholars1
2009The Tallis Scholars Sing Flemish MastersThe Tallis Scholars1
2010Sacred Music In The Renaissance Volume 3 - The Tallis Scholars Finest Recordings 2000-2009The Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips1
2010Sacred Music in the Renaissance, Volume 2: The Tallis Scholars' Finest Recordings 1990-1999The Tallis Scholars1
2010Sacred Music In The Renaissance Volume 1 - The Tallis Scholars Finest Recordings 1980-1989The Tallis Scholars1
2015Perfect PolyphonyThe Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1
2017Spem in AliumThe Tallis Scholars1
SilverThe Tallis Scholars1

Album + Live

2002Live in RomePalestrina, Allegri; The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips1

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