A Dio, Florida bella | | | | | | | |
Altri canti di marte: I. E di sua schiera | | | | | | | |
Altri canti di marte: II. Due belli occhi fur l’armi onde traffitta | | | | | | | |
Amorosa pupilletta che saetta, SV 238 | | - Sergio Vartolo, Concerto delle Dame di Ferrara
- Michel Brodard, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, Nicole Rossier, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Batto, qui pianse Ergasto, SV 115 | | | | | | | |
Chiome d’oro, bel tesoro, SV 143 | | | | Madrigal | | | |
Damigella tutta bella, SV 235 | | | | Song | | | |
Dolci miei sospiri, SV 242 | | - Concerto delle Dame di Ferrara, Sergio Vartolo
- Sergio Vartolo, Concerto delle Dame di Ferrara
- Michel Brodard, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, Nicole Rossier, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Fugge il verno dei dolori SV 232 | | - María Cristina Kiehr, Stephan MacLeod, Concerto Soave, Jean-Marc Aymes
- Sergio Vartolo, Concerto delle Dame di Ferrara
- Michel Brodard, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, Nicole Rossier, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 (Book VIII, Canti amorosi): Dal tenebroso orror del mio gran regno | | - Maurizia Barazzoni, Giovanna Dissera Bragadin, Marcella Ventura, Francesco Zane, Ensemble Symphonia Perusina
- Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, François Loup, Alicia Nafé, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 (Book VIII, Canti amorosi): De l'implacabil Dio | | - Maurizia Barazzoni, Giovanna Dissera Bragadin, Marcella Ventura, Francesco Zane, Ensemble Symphonia Perusina
- Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, François Loup, Alicia Nafé, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 (Book VIII, Canti amorosi): Entrata - Ballo | | - Maurizia Barazzoni, Giovanna Dissera Bragadin, Marcella Ventura, Francesco Zane, Ensemble Symphonia Perusina
- Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, François Loup, Alicia Nafé, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 (Book VIII, Canti amorosi): S'invan su l'arco tendi | | - Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, François Loup, Alicia Nafé, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167 (Book VIII, Canti amorosi): Sinfonia | | - Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, François Loup, Alicia Nafé, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Io ch’armato sin hor, SV 249a:6 | | - Marco Longhini, Delitiæ Musicæ
- Stephan MacLeod, Concerto Soave, Jean-Marc Aymes
- Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Philippe Huttenlocher, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Lamento d’Arianna, SV 22 | | | | Madrigal | | | |
Lidia spina del mio core, SV 244 | | - María Cristina Kiehr, Stephan MacLeod, Concerto Soave, Jean-Marc Aymes
- Claudio Monteverdi
- Sergio Vartolo, Concerto delle Dame di Ferrara
- Michel Brodard, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, Nicole Rossier, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Madrigali, Libro 8, "Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi": II. Canti Amorosi. No. 13, Ballo delle Ingrate, SV 167, b. Sinfonia - "Udite, Donne, udite!" | | | | | | | |
Madrigali, Libro 8, "Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi": II. Canti Amorosi. No. 13, Ballo delle Ingrate, SV 167, c. "Bella madre d'Amor" | | | | | | | |
Madrigali, Libro 8, "Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi": II. Canti Amorosi. No. 13, Ballo delle Ingrate, SV 167, d. "Ecco ver noi l'addolorate squadre" | | | | | | | |
Madrigali, Libro 8, "Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi": II. Canti Amorosi. No. 13, Ballo delle Ingrate, SV 167, e. "Ahi troppo Ahi troppo è duro!" | | | | | | | |
Misero Alceo | | - La Venexiana
- The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley
- Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano
- Marco Longhini, Delitiæ Musicæ
- Michel Brodard, Claude Darbellay, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, Nicole Rossier, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Scherzi Musicali (1632): Ecco di dolci raggi, SV 249 | | | | | | | |
Scherzi musicali: Et pur dunque vero, SV 250 | | | | | | | |
Se i languidi miei sguardi, SV 141 | | | | Madrigal | | | |
Se pur destina e vole, SV 142 | | | | Madrigal | | | |
Vago augelletto che cantando vai, SV 156 | | | | | | | |
VIII. Madrigalbuch, Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, SV 153: "Amico, hai vinto" | | - The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley
- Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini
- Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
- Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano
- Michel Brodard, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, Philippe Huttenlocher, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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VIII. Madrigalbuch, Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, SV 153: "Notte, che nel profondo oscuro seno" | | - Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini
- Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano
- Marco Beasley, Constantinople, Kiya Tabassian
- Michel Brodard, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, Philippe Huttenlocher, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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VIII. Madrigalbuch, Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, SV 153: "Tancredi che Clorinda" | | | | | | | |
VIII. Madrigalbuch, Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, SV 153: "Torna l’ira ne’ cori e li trasporta" | | - The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley
- Delitiæ Musicæ, Marco Longhini
- Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano
- Michel Brodard, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne, Rosemary Hardy, Philippe Huttenlocher, Lars Brolin, Thierry Fischer, Ake Hedlund, Pedrag Novovic, Alf Petersen, Bertrand Sauvin, Lennart Sköld, Matthias Spaeter, Drottningholms Barockensemble, Michel Corboz
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Volgendo il ciel per l'immortal sentiero SV 154 | | - Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
- Jordi Savall, Hespèrion XXI
- Daniele Carnovich, Lambert Climent, Paolo Costa, Montserrat Figueras, Francesc Garrigosa, Elisabetta Tiso, La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Jordi Savall
- The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley
- (show 10 more)
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