An alias is an alternate name for an entity. They typically contain common misspellings or variations of the name and are also used to improve search results. View the alias documentation for more details.
Jonathan Sells has no aliases.
Artist credits
This is a list of all the different ways Jonathan Sells is credited in the database. View the artist credit documentation for more details.
Name |
Charles Gibbs, Ciara Hendrick, Hugo Hymas, Matthew Long, Nicholas Mulroy, Jonathan Sells, Greg Skidmore, Sue Addison, George Crawford, Bjarte Eike, Adrian France, Gawain Glenton, Andrea Inghisciano, Tom Lees, William Lyons, Catherine Pierron, Eligio Quinteiro, Lynda Sayce, Miguel Tantos-Sevillano, Emily White, I Fagiolini (see uses) |
Ciara Hendrick, Matthew Long, Nicholas Mulroy, Jonathan Sells, Clare Wilkinson, George Crawford, Bjarte Eike, Adrian France, Gawain Glenton, Andrea Inghisciano, William Lyons, Catherine Pierron, Eligio Quinteiro, Lynda Sayce, Miguel Tantos-Sevillano, Emily White, I Fagiolini (see uses) |
Ciara Hendrick, Nicholas Mulroy, Jonathan Sells, George Crawford, Bjarte Eike, Adrian France, William Lyons, Catherine Pierron, Eligio Quinteiro, Lynda Sayce, I Fagiolini (see uses) |
Hugo Hymas, Matthew Long, Jonathan Sells, Greg Skidmore, Gawain Glenton, I Fagiolini (see uses) |
James Gilchrist, Jonathan Sells, English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner (see uses) |
James Gilchrist, Monteverdi Choir, Rupert Reid, Jonathan Sells, Lawrence Wallington, English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner (see uses) |
James Gilchrist, Stephan Loges, Jonathan Sells, English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner (see uses) |
Jan Dismas Zelenka; Юлия Лежнева, Tilman Lichdi, Daniel Taylor, Jonathan Sells (see uses) |
Jonathan Sells, English Baroque Soloists, Sir John Eliot Gardiner (see uses) |
The 24, Hugo Hymas, Matthew Long, Jonathan Sells, Greg Skidmore, Clare Wilkinson, Sue Addison, George Crawford, Bjarte Eike, Adrian France, Gawain Glenton, Andrea Inghisciano, Tom Lees, William Lyons, Miguel Tantos-Sevillano, Emily White, I Fagiolini (see uses) |
The 24, Robert Hollingworth, Jonathan Sells, I Fagiolini (see uses) |